सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Kauravas"







In General

The descendents of the great king Kuru (Kuruvamsa) are Kauravas. This actually includes the sons of Pandu and Dritharashtra. But in most part of the great epic the hundred sons of Dritharashtra are called Kauravas and the five sons of Pandu are called Pandavas. The Kauravas are also very brave fighters, learned and experts in many areas of sciences. They were guided by Duryodhana, the eldest one who was crazy about power. They were jealous of Pandavas who dominated them in every respect. So, with bad qualities they always tried to protect them and dominate over Pandavas, especially Bhima. However when Panchali was dragged before Kuru Sabha in single dress by Dussasana, the second among them at the orders of Duryodhana to tease her in the most bitter way, all the other 98 brothers felt sorry and ashamed. Vikarna, one among them spoke against the way the dice play was conducted. In the Great War, Bhima killed all of them.

Dhrtarastra had one hundred sons and a daughter Dussala by Gandhari. Some of them have more than one name, so counting them is difficult. The Adi Parva Ch.# 117 gives their name as follows

Duryodhana, Dussasana, Dussahan, Dussalan, Jalagandha, Sama, Saha, Vinda, Anuvinda, Durdharsa, Subahu, Duspradharsana, Durmarsana, Durmukha, Duskarna, Karna,Vivimshati, Vikarna, Sala, Sattva, Sulocana, Citra, Upacitra, Citraksa, Carucitra, Sarasana, Durmada, Durvigaha, Vivitsu, Vikatanana, Urnanabha, Sunabha, Nanda, Upananda, Citrabana, Citravarma, Suvarma, Durvimrca, Ayobahu, Mahabahu, Citranga, Citrakundala,, Bhimavega, Bhimabala, Valaki, Balavardhana, Ugrayudha, Susena, Kundadhara, Mahodara, Citrayudha, Nisangi, Pasi, Vrndaraka, Drdhavarma, Drdhaksatra, Somakirti, Anudara, Drdhasandha, Jarasandha, Satyasandha,Sadasuvak, Ugrasravas, Ugrasena, Senani, Dusparajaya,Aparajita, Kundasayi, Visalaksa, Duradhara, Drdhahasta, Suhasta, Vatavega, Suvarcas, Adityaketu,Bahvasi, Nagadatta, Ugrayayi, Kavaci, Krathana, Kundi, Kundadhara, Dhanurdhara, Bhimaratha, Virabahu, Alolupa, Abhaya, Drdhakarman, Drdharathasraya, Anadhrsya,Kundabhedi, Viravi, Citrakundala, Pramatha,Pramadhi, Dirgharoman, Viryavan, Dirghabahu, Mahabhahu, Vyudoras, Kancanadhvaja, Kundasi, Virajas.


Descended in the following order from Visnu : Brahma Atri Candra Budha Pururavas Ayus -Nahusa Yayati Puru Janamejaya Pracinvan Pravira Namasyu Vltabhaya Sundu Bahuvidha Samyati Rahovadl Raudrashva Matiniira Santurodha Dusyanta Bharata Suhotra Suhota Gala Garda Suketu Brhatksetra Hasti Ajamidha Rksa Sarhvarana Kuru.

From Kuru the genealogy continues as follows : Jahnu Suratha Viduratha Sarvabhauma Jayatsena Ravaya Bhavuka Cakroddhata Devatithi Rksa Bharata Pratica Santanu.

Santanu had two wives Ganga and Satyavati. Bhisma was born of Ganga. Vyasa was born to Satyavati before her marriage, from the hermit Parasara. After the marriage, from Santanu, two sons Citrangada and Vicitravirya were born to her. A Gandharva killed Citrangada. Bhisma brought the three daughters of the King of Kasi, Amba, Ambika and Ambalika. as wives of Vicitravirya, but on the way knowing that Amba was in love with the King of Salva, she was sent back. Ambika and Ambalika became the wives of Vicitravirya.

Shortly Vicitravirya also died. With a view to continue the royal family, Satyavati sent for Vyasa, so that he might beget children of Ambika and Ambalika. Dritharashtra was born to Ambika. And Pandu was born to Ambalika. The royal women had some aversion towards the Sage for his ugly features. Ambika closed her eyes and Ambalika watched the sage only though the shade of her dress during their meeting with the sage. The son thus born to Ambika became blind and that born to Ambalike happen to be in two shades.

Dhrtarastra married Gandhari the daughter of Subala the King of Gandhara. Once Vyasa reached the palace weary with hunger and thirst. Gandhari gave Vyasa food and drink. Vyasa was pleased with her and told her that she might ask for any boon. She said that she wanted to get hundred sons from Dhrtarastra. Vyasa granted the boon. Gandhari became pregnant. Even after two years she did not deliver. She heard that Kunti, the wife of Pandu had given birth to a child. Gandhari became sad. She crushed her womb and gave birth to a lump of flesh. Understanding this, Vyasa came there and cutting the lump into hundred and one pieces kept them in ghee-pots. Advising Gandhari to keep the pots in secret, Vyasa went to the Himalayas. The pots were broken at the proper time and hundred sons and a daughter came out.

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