सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Bhisma"







In General

Bhisma was the grand sire of Hastinapura who brought up three generation of rulers of Hastinapura, namely: Chitrangada Vichitravirya, Drithrastra Pandu and Kauravas Pandavas. He led the Kaurava army in the first ten days of the Mahabharata War. Bhisma was unbeatable in war, the number of Pandava soldiers he killed forced Krishna to lose his control and step out of Arjuna’s chariot with Chakra in his hand. Bhisma, also called as Devavrita was the crown prince of Hasthinapura while his father Santhanu was ruling the country.

In the Great War Bhisma was with Kaurava as he had taken a vow that he will protect the kingdom whoever assumes the seat of King in Hasthinapura. Bhisma very much loved Pandavas, who were brought up under his care. He informed Durodhana that he will not kill any of the five Pandavas but ensured of eliminating ten thousand enemy infantry every day. Bhishma was very old during Mahabharatha War, but even the mighty Arjuna is no match to him. Before the beginning of the battle, Yudhisthira went to Bhisma and asked for his permission to start it. Bhlsma granted him permission and blessed him. How to defeat him was also a secret he shared with Yudhisthira. He was a brave warrior and great scholar blessed with many virtues. Taking Shikanti as a shield Arjuna showered arrows on him; he did not responded as Shikanti ( a rebirth of Amba ) was neither men nor women; he laid on the bed of arrows with prayers waited for the sun came to Uttarayana for his death.

Bhisma saw the future ruler in Yudhisthira and had special love for him. While lying in the death bed of arrows Bhisma advised Dharmaputra about Rajya Dharma , Apad dharma, and Moksa Dharma, polity, philosophy, Bhakti and imparted to him the thousand names of Vishnu which is now famous as Vishnu Sahasranama.

Genealogy. From Visnu were descended in the following order Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha - Pururavas - Ayus - Nahusa - Yayati - Puru - Janamejaya - Pracinva- Pravira - Namasyu - Vltabhaya - Sundu - Bahuvidha - Samyati - Rahovadi - Raudrasva - Matinara - Santurodha- Dusyanta-Bharata-Suhotra-Suhota -Gala-Gardda -Suketu-Brhatksetra-Hasti - Ajamidha - Rksa – Samvarana - Kuru- Jahnu-Suratha-Viduratha - Sarvabhauma- Jayatsena-Ravyaya-Bhavuka-Cakroddhata - Devatithi - Rksa - Bhima-Pratipa-Santanu-Bhisma.


The Astavasus are Vedic Gods, but their story of birth on earth is not part of Veda.


Once Astavasus stole Kamadhenu of Vasista and for which Vasista cursed Vasus to be born on earth. As a result they were born as sons of Ganga and Santhanu. Dyau, the eighth of the Astavasus who actually stole the cow was born as Devavrita. Devavrita was good mannered and loved by everybody and was the rein prince. But things got a sudden turn when Santhanu fell in love with a woman called Sathyavati. Sathyavati’s father demanded the children born in wedlock of his daughter should get the kingdom. Santhanu was in dilemma on what to do, at this moment Devavrita took the vow that he will be celibate for the whole life and will not assume the seat of King. Because of his terrible vow he was called as Bhisma.

one day Santanu, the young king of Chandravamsa went for a hunt in the Gangavalley and there he met Gangadevi. He fell in love with her at first sight and courted her. Gaangadevi agreed to become his wife on condition that he should not say anything to displease her and if he violated that condition she would leave him. The king accepted the condition and Gangadevi became his wife. Seven sons were born to Gangadevi one after another and she through them to river Gange. When she was about to through the eighth newborn baby to river, Santanu objected; as the condition set by the beautiful lady before marriage was violated she left the husband Santhanu with the newborn. Many years passed. The king in his desperate life prayed to Gangadevi to return his child. It so happened that Gangadevi one day returned his son, a young man called Devavrita and disappeared.

Vicitravirya and Citrangada are two sons of King Santanu in his second wife Sathyavati. Citrarigada became the king after the rein of Santanu. Although Citrangada's reign was a prosperous one, it could not last long. After that Vicitravirya was crowned King. It was at that time that the Svayamvara of the three daughters of the King of Kasi namely, Amba, Ambika and Ambalika was held. Bhisma, thought that it would be good if Vicitravirya married them. So Bhisma attended that function. The presence of Bhisma who was an old man, at the Svayamvara, frightened the girls. The other kings who attended, stopped him from entering the venue. After defeating several kings like Salva, he seized the three daughters of the King of Kasi and took them with him in his chariot to Hastinapura. Preparations were made for the marriage of Vicitravirya with the three princesses. Then Amba expressed in open that she had already dedicated her heart to the king of Salva. Bhisma generously allowed her to return home. So, Amba went to her lover Salva with hope of marrying him, but Salva turn down the request as she was carried away by Bhisma. The unfortunate lady went back to Bhisma and requested him to save her by a marriage. But Bhisma politely told her of his helplessness as he had taken vow not to marry. The humiliated princess burst out, cursed Bhisma and vowed to take revenge on him and then committed suicide. Amba was then born as a bisexual called Shikanti. Shikanti having a born revenge against Bhisma joined Pandavas in the Great war and become instrumental in defeating Bhishma.

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Word Sanskrit IAST In General Veda Purana
Devavrita , Bhismaदेवव्रतdevavṛata

The real name of Bhisma.

For more detail please see: Bhisma

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