सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Dhrtarastra"







In General

Elder son of Vichitravirya and Ambika. He was famous in Mahabarata as a blind king in an unfortunate period. In his wife Gandhari he had one hundred sons and he loved all of them very much. But the couple failed to bring them up in the right way. His eldest son Duryodhana’s misdeeds lead to the Mahabharata War.

Genealogy: From Visnu were descended in the following order Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha - Pururavas - Ayus - Nahusa - Yayati - Puru - Janamejaya - Pracinva- Pravira - Namasyu - Vltabhaya - Sundu - Bahuvidha - Samyati - Rahovadi - Raudrasva - Matinara - Santurodha- Dusyanta – Bharata – Suhotra - Suhota – Gala - Gardda – Suketu –Brhatksetra - Hasti - Ajamidha - Rksa – Samvarana - Kuru- Jahnu –Suratha - Viduratha – Sarvabhauma – Jayatsena – Ravyaya – Bhavuka - Cakroddhata - Devatithi - Rksa – Bhima – Pratipa – Santanu – Chitrangada – Dritharastra


Dhratarashtra was actually not a biological son of his father. His father, Vichitravira died with out having children, then his Grand Mother Sathyavathi called up her first son Vyasa and invited him to Ambikas Bedroom to have progeny. On seeing Vyasa, an intellectual but short ugly, the queen closed her eyes, so the son born to them became blind. Dhritharastra thus born blind and was disqualified to ascend the throne. So, his younger brother Pandu became the King. When Pandu died in the prime of his life, his children were very young. The kingdom have no other choice but to make Dritharastra as King, so he become the King which was denied to him earlier.

Dhrudharashtra was luck person to listen to Bhagavad Gita and see the Vishwaroopa of Bhagavan

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