सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Kanada"




In General

Kanada is the founder of Vaisheshika Darshana. He authered Vaiseshika sutra. It is one of the six systems of Indian philosophy. He was also known as Uluka. Kanada seems to be a nickname of Uluka since he led the life of an ascetic. The Vaiseshika sutra is divided into ten adhyayas or books, each adhyaya containing two ahnikas or sections. It has 374 sutras in all. The Vaiseska Darshana is pluralistic and accepts the existence of God called Isvara or Maheswara-as the Supreme intelligent being under whose will and guidance this world is created, sustained and destroyed. The Vaisesika School of philosophy recognises seven padarthas or categories of realities. The Seven type of entities according to Kanada is, basic elements (Dravya), Qualities (Guna), Activities (Karma), Categories (Samanya), particularities(Vishesha), Inherent Relationship (Samavaya), Non-Existence (Abhava).

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